ICE Support CQ
ICESUP - Supporting Families who have a loved one affected by the drug ICE.
ICESUP - Ice Support CQ promoting initiatives to assist families who have been pulled into the whirlpool.
We believe in raising community awareness about the dangers of Methamphetamine.
Please support ICESUP by sharing our Facebook page "Ice Support CQ", our email and website.
What we are About:
ICESUP - Ice Support CQ, is committed to providing support to families who have loved ones caught up with substance abuse of the drug ICE.
We will lobby to have a Detox Facility in the Central Queensland region to give families closer access to treatment options without having to travel to Brisbane or North to Mackay which can be very disrupting for the rest of the family which is already suffering.
**We can say that the Govt has committed to a 42 bed facility to be up and running by 2021. We will push to have that time frame brought forward 1 year to 2020.**
We will strive to have Service Providers 'Close the Gaps' in the services they deliver and to make those services known to the public.
Explore our website to learn more about all that we’re doing to make a change.
ICESUP is totally voluntary so we rely on ourselves and you to make the difference.
Education on ICE
What is ice?
Ice is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body. It is a type of methamphetamine, which is generally stronger and more addictive and has more harmful side effects than the powder form known as speed.
Ice usually comes as small chunky clear crystals that look like ice. It can also come as white or brownish crystal-like powder with a strong smell and bitter taste.
Other names
Crystal meth, shabu, crystal, glass, shard.
How is it used?
Ice is generally smoked or injected and the effects can be felt in 3 to 7 seconds. It is sometimes swallowed (15 to 30 minutes to feel the effects) or snorted (3 to 5 minutes to feel the effects).
Effects of ice
There is no safe level of drug use. Use of any drug always carries some risk. It's important to be careful when taking any type of drug.
The effects of ice can last for around 6 hours, but it might be hard to sleep for a few days after using the drug.
If a large amount or a strong batch is taken, it could also cause an overdose. If any of the following effects are experienced an ambulance should be called straight away by dialling triple zero (000). Ambulance officers don’t need to involve the police.
Racing heartbeat and chest pain
Breathing problems
Fits or uncontrolled jerking
Extreme agitation, confusion, clumsiness
Sudden, severe headache
Stroke, heart attack or death
Coming Down
It can take several days to ‘come down’ from using ice. The following effects may be experienced during this time:
Difficulty sleeping and exhaustion
Headaches, dizziness and blurred vision
Paranoia, hallucinations and confusion
Irritability and feeling ‘down’
Online Sites to Explore
FDS - Family Drug Support
FDS now has:
24/7, 7 days a week phone number
Support Meeting Information
Volunteer training
Membership page
More Helpful Organisations
Lives Lived Well
Offer Counseling
Help you to reduce harms associated with alcohol and drug use
Putting together a plan and practical strategies to deal with or reduce your use
Information and referral to other treatment and support services
Support in dealing with the impact of drug use on families and loved ones
Links to further information and education resources.
Drug Arm
Outreach services available
A holistic approach to recovery
Supporting the individual for up to 12 months
Programs that address - Relapse prevention, Anger management, Self Esteem, Budgeting
Gumbi Gumbi - Rockhampton
Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Awareness Centre
CQ Healing Centre - Helem Yumba
Service delivery is facilitated by a range of therapeutic prevention and intervention programs, all of which uphold Indigenous values and protocols and, most importantly, are compatible with the ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people prefer to interact and engage.
Support/Self Help Group
ICESUP - Ice Affecting Families Capricorn Coast - holds fortnightly meetings at the Community Centre, 80 John Street, Yeppoon @ 6.30pm - 8.30pm Room C.
We welcome you to come and share your journey with others who understand because they have or are experiencing the same.
Guest Speakers
ICESUP invites Service Providers and others from the Community to come and explain their role and how families can access their services.
This is to give the members factual information straight from the provider.
Working to "Close the Gaps"
ICESUP has found that there may be many Services/Service Providers but not much is known about them until one is in the system.
ICESUP strives for collaboration of services. To be able to share resources and knowledge. For Services to make themselves known so that the average person can not only find them but also understand what that service offers.
ICESUP - Ice Support CQ, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. We're here to lend an ear to those who need it and share our experiences.
Since the beginning of our Support Group - ICE Affecting Families Capricorn Coast in 2016, we’ve worked hard to help educate families about ICE and ways to cope as the ripple affect can and does destroy families.
Let's turn the tide on the ripple effect of destruction to the ripple effect of RECOVERY.
Keep yourself Safe
Three things to 'Keep yourself Safe'
Keep exits clear
Avoid arguments in the kitchen or tool shed
Have a list of emergency numbers at hand Ref: FDS
Helpful Numbers
If it is an EMERGENCY call 000
ADIS - Alcohol & Drug Information Service 1800 177 833
Family Drug Support 24/7 1300 368 186
AODS - Rockhampton 4920 5500
AODS Youth - Rockhampton 4920 5719
AAIC Family Support 0481 844 555
07 5665 6063
Narcotics Anonymous 1300 652 820
Narcotics Anonymous - Local 0478 497 237
Nar-Anon - Rockhampton 0419 732 735
Mental Health 1300 MH CALL
CQ Mental Health 24/7 4920 6111
Lives Lived Well 1300 727 957
Lives Lived Well - Local 0439 851 192
Local 0438 816 319
Drug Arm - 07 3620 8880
Local 0426 194 824

The Journey
To Help Others we first must be able to Help Ourselves
ICESUP - Ice Support CQ wants to spread our message of hope, compassion and understanding. We believe that a single action of Family Support can make a difference in the community and when services taking a collaborative approach for Family Support the light of hope will overcome the weight of darkness.